• CSE Faculty - Chapter 1: Introduction

    CSE Faculty - Chapter 1: Introduction

    What is an algorithm? The logical steps to solve a problem. What is a program? Program = Data structures + Algorithms (Niklaus Wirth) The most common tool to define algorithms. • English-like representation of the code required for an algorithm. Pseudocode = English + Code relaxed syntax being instructions using easy to read basic control structures (sequential, conditional, iterative)

     49 p cntp 14/12/2012 610 2

  • C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3

    C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3

    Why Qt? Why do programmers like us choose Qt? Sure, there are the obvious answers: Qt’s single-source compatibility, its feature richness, its C++ performance, the availability of the source code, its documentation, the high-quality technical support,and all the other items mentioned in Trolltech’s glossy marketing materials. This is all very well, but it misses the most important point: Qt is successful because programmers like it.

     464 p cntp 14/12/2012 448 1

  • Module6 – Internationalization (I18N)

    Module6 – Internationalization (I18N)

    Welcome to the module, Internationalization. This module provides a brief introduction of developing applications for the global market. The module covers the process of internationalization and localization to create applications, which are neutral in terms of countries, languages and regions. Internationalized applications require meticulous planning, failing which re-engineering of the application can be costly. In this module, you will...

     11 p cntp 14/12/2012 380 1

  • Programming Entity Framework: Code First

    Programming Entity Framework: Code First

    Microsoft’s ADO.NET Entity Framework, known widely as EF, introduced out-of-thebox Object Relational Mapping to .NET and Visual Studio. Central to Entity Framework was the Entity Data Model, a conceptual model of your application domain that maps back to the schema of your database. This conceptual model describes the core classes in your application. Entity Framework uses this conceptual model while querying from the database, creating...

     192 p cntp 14/12/2012 390 1

  • Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

    Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

    The Panel on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence was established in early 1992 by the Naval Studies Board (NSB) of the National Research Council in response to a request from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The NRL called on the NSB to establish a panel of experts in the fields of computer science and artificial intelligence to interact informally with the laboratory's research staff regarding plans, facilities, capabilities,...

     30 p cntp 14/12/2012 336 3

  • Computer Science Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field

    Computer Science Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field

    The blossoming of computer science (CS) research is evident in the information technology that has migrated from a specialized tool confined to the laboratory or corporate back office to a ubiquitous presence in machines and devices that now figure in the lives of virtually every individual. This widespread diffusion of information technology can obscure the nature of computer science research underlying the IT— from the perspective of many...

     209 p cntp 14/12/2012 464 1

  • CSE Faculty - Chapter 12

    CSE Faculty - Chapter 12

    Lexicographic Search Trees: Tries Multiway Trees B-Tree, B*-Tree, B+-Tree Red-Black Trees (BST and B-Tree) 2-d Tree, k-d Tree 1 .Basic Concepts 2 .Basic Concepts 3 .Trees

     44 p cntp 14/12/2012 488 2

  • CSE Faculty - Chapter 10 Sorting

    CSE Faculty -  Chapter 10 Sorting

    Sorting Divice-andConquer •Natural Merge •Balanced Merge •Polyphase Merge •Insertion •Shell •Selection •Heap •Bubble •Quick •Quick •Merge

     60 p cntp 14/12/2012 420 2

  • Chapter 9 - Graph•

    Chapter 9 - Graph•

    A Graph G consists of a set V, whose members are called the vertices of G, together with a set E of pairs of distinct vertices from V. • The pairs in E are called the edges of G. • If the pairs are unordered, G is called an undirected graph or a graph. Otherwise, G is called a directed graph or a digraph. • Two vertices in an undirected graph are called adjacent if there is an edge from the first to the second.

     85 p cntp 14/12/2012 787 2

  • Chapter 8 - Heaps

    Chapter 8 - Heaps

    Binary Heap. Min-heap. Max-heap. Efficient implementation of heap ADT: use of array Basic heap algorithms: ReheapUp, ReheapDown, Insert Heap, Delete Heap, Built Heap d-heaps Heap Applications: Select Algorithm Priority Queues Heap sort Advanced implementations of heaps: use of pointers Leftist heap Skew heap Binomial queues

     41 p cntp 14/12/2012 452 2

  • AVL Tree

    AVL Tree

    AVL Tree is: • A Binary Search Tree, • in which the heights of the left and right subtrees of the root differ by at most 1, and • the left and right subtrees are again AVL trees. The name comes from the discoverers of this method, G.M.Adel'son-Vel'skii and E.M.Landis. The method dates from 1962. .Balance factor Balance factor: • left_higher: HL = HR + 1 • equal_height: • right_higher:

     74 p cntp 14/12/2012 457 1

  • CSE Faculty - Chapter 7 Tree

    CSE Faculty - Chapter 7 Tree

    Subprogram implementation Recursion Designing recursive algorithms Recursion removal Backtracking Examples of backtracking and recursive algorithms: Factorial Fibonacci The towers of Hanoi Eight Queens Problem Tree-structured program: Look-ahead in Game

     90 p cntp 14/12/2012 432 3

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