• Adobe Photoshop CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less

    Adobe Photoshop CS  in 10 Simple Steps or Less

    Just as the camera is no longer relegated to the elite or industry professionals, Photoshop is no longer considered the tool of graphic designers alone. Whether it is used to scan photographs, paint a landscape, apply effects to text, create Web pages, or alter images, the application enables all users to accomplish one common feat: to produce professional-quality images in virtually any digital format.

     50 p cntp 19/07/2012 332 2

  • Công cụ xử lý ảnh chuyên nghiệp: Adobe Photoshop CS 8.0

    Công cụ xử lý ảnh chuyên nghiệp: Adobe Photoshop CS 8.0

    Đã từ lâu các KTV đồ họa, họa sĩ các nhà xử lý ảnh đều xem Photoshop CS như một công cụ không thể thiếu được trong các thiết kế xử lý ảnh. Trong tay các nhà thiết kế mỹ thuật câu gậy thần Photoshop...

     112 p cntp 19/07/2012 496 4

  • The Hidden Power of Photoshop Elements 4

    The Hidden Power of Photoshop Elements 4

    Photoshop Elementsis one of the most powerful image editing programs on the planet, bar none. The key to harnessing the power of the program and getting the best results from your images is understanding how the program works, understanding images, and using the inherent capabilities of the program optimally to make the best image adjustments. Getting the most out of your images using Photoshop Elements is what this book is about.

     369 p cntp 19/07/2012 254 2

  • The Essential Guide to Flash CS4

    The Essential Guide to Flash CS4

    Over the last decade, we have seen a phenomenal change in the way we interact with sites online. Where the experience for the end user was once two-dimensional, there are now endless possibilities a Flash designer can create to introduce users to a whole new world of interaction with their animations, and ergo, their brands. Yet with all of these great new abilities comes a responsibility to your company and your users to present the best...

     431 p cntp 19/07/2012 334 2

  • Hướng dẫn học Adobe Photoshop CS3

    Hướng dẫn học Adobe Photoshop CS3

    Hẳn bạn sẽ không xa lạ gì với phần mềm Photoshop. Phiên bản CS3 là tiếp nối của phiên bản Photoshop CS2. Với nhiều công cụ được xem là khá nổi bật, hỗ trợ nhiều nhất trong việc xử lý ảnh số sao cho hoàn hảo và chất lượng tốt nhất.

     117 p cntp 19/07/2012 535 6

  • Photoshop CS4 For Dummies

    Photoshop  CS4 For Dummies

    Adobe Photoshop is one of the most important computer programs of our age. It’s made photo editing a commonplace thing, something for the everyperson. Still, Photoshop can be a scary thing (especially that first purchase price!), comprising a jungle of menus and panels and tools and options and shortcuts as well as a bewildering array of add-ons and plug-ins. And that’s why you’re holding this book in your hands. And why I wrote it....

     418 p cntp 19/07/2012 422 2

  • AutoCAD 2002 Menus and Toolbars

    AutoCAD 2002 Menus and Toolbars

    This is a book to teach and guide technical drawings with AutoCAD 2002 software. The entire contents of the book is divided into 7 chapters ranging from the basic introduction to the complex instructions in the adjustment and printing drawings. This is the basis for guiding technical drawings on AutoCAD in general, therefore, it can be applied not only in the 2002 version, but also can be used in later versions.

     50 p cntp 19/07/2012 394 2

  • Art and Design In Photoshop

    Art  and Design In Photoshop

    Throughout all the editions of How to Cheat in Photoshop – a book which will, incidentally, teach you how to use Photoshop – I’ve maintained a website and reader forum to help readers with their photomontage-related problems. This has included a regular weekly contest, the Friday Challenge. And I’ve noticed that one of the major issues facing Photoshop artists is not how to use the Curves dialog, or the Pen tool, or how to save work...

     257 p cntp 19/07/2012 377 2

  • Kỹ thuật phục hồi chỉnh sửa hình ảnh bằng Photoshop

    Kỹ thuật phục hồi chỉnh sửa hình ảnh bằng Photoshop

    Ảnh kỹ thuật số và việc xử lý ảnh chụp chắc chắn đã gây chấn động trong lĩnh vực công nghiệp khoảng 10 băm trở lại đây. Người ta đã tranh cãi nhiều về tương lai và giá trị của thuật nhiếp ảnh truyền thống khi mà chức năng ghi nhận những khoảnh khắc thời gian và thể hiện chúng mỗi khi người ta cần đến đã bị hạn chế nhiều yếu tố...

     287 p cntp 19/07/2012 396 7

  • Enhancing CAD Drawings with Photoshop

    Enhancing CAD Drawings with Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop is the program of choice for dealing with still images and photographs. Photoshop has been around since the dawn of time in computer years, so most people picking up this book have probably used Photoshop before to resize and print photos at least. If you are one of the few who has not used Photoshop before, never fear: no experience is assumed or required in this book. You can use Photoshop for so much more than resizing and...

     302 p cntp 19/07/2012 317 2

  • Adobe Photoshop Tool Techniques

    Adobe Photoshop Tool Techniques

    This tool lets you make more detailed selections, particularly of specific objects in an image, without requiring too much effort.You don’t have to keep the mouse button held down when drawing either – click once to start, drag close to the object edge, then double-click to end.Note that the tool automatically places ‘anchor points’ as you draw to keep the selection in place.

     118 p cntp 19/07/2012 139 1

  • Staring at a shelf full of Photoshop books at the local bookstore, it seems that there are more special-effect “cookbooks” and technical tomes than anyone would ever care to read. The problem is that none of those “cookbooks” provide enough detail to really let you feel like you understand the program (blindly following the listed steps just doesn’t do it), and all of the technical books are deep into terms like rasters, vectors, and bit-depth settings. That’s the primary reason that most people

    Staring at a shelf full of Photoshop books at the local bookstore, it seems that there are more special-effect “cookbooks” and technical tomes than anyone would ever care to read. The problem is that none of those “cookbooks” provide enough detail to really let you feel like you understand the program (blindly following the listed steps just doesn’t do it), and all of the technical books are deep into terms like rasters, vectors, and bit-depth settings. That’s the primary reason that most people

    The vast amount of information available on the Internet, coupled with the diversity of user information needs, have urged the development of personalized systems that are capable of distinguishing one user from the other in order to provide content, services and information tailored to individual users. Recommender Systems (RS) form a special category of such personalized systems and aim to predict user’s preferences based on her previous...

     764 p cntp 19/07/2012 420 1

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